Canada in the Fall

After a brief sojourn to visit our son in the USA we are back on our travels. From October 3rd I will be the resident astronomer on Fred Olsen’s Borealis during her latest voyage, Canada in the Fall. More info later!


Home from Alaska!

After a fantastic assignment on Viking Orion we are now at home in sunny Devon. It was a pleasure as always to sail on the beautiful Viking ship and deliver lectures on astronomy and astrophysics to the guests. We even managed a great stargazing night on the first clear night for over a month! We are now heading to the USA for a brief holiday where we will stay with our son in Connecticut! On our return we will only have a few days before heading back to sea for Canada in the Fall!

Bears, Bears, Bears!

I had a fabulous trip to Neets Point from Ketchikan where I got up-close and personal with several Brown Bears, one of which surprised me by suddenly coming through the undergrowth and onto the trail. It was no more than 4 feet away from me and just looked at me as if I was breakfast. Fortunately, the guide came along and told the bear to “get back!” I was amazed when it turned around and went back to the shoreline having obvioisly decided salmon was more tasty than Scotsman!


Columbia Glacier – Valdez, Alaska

At the start of our second cruise, back to Vancouver, we visited the Columbia Glacier. We managed to see quite a bit of wildlife, including Humpback whales, sea otters, Stellar sea lions, seals, bald eagles and puffins! The weather has turned bad again and we are currently heading for the Hubbard glacier in rough seas.

Seward – Alaska

Today is our final port of call on this Viking Orion cruise and we are in Seward, Alaska. All of our guests disembark tomorrow and a new set of guests will board. I am staying onboard to deliver more lectures as we sail back to Vancouver on the return leg.  It’s been a great cruise, despite the poor weather.

Valdez – Alaska

Our visit to Valdez was interesting as it is the base for the Trans Alaskan Pipleine and quite an interesting town. We visited a couple of the museums and saw a very interesting movie about the 1964 earthquake and how the twon was moved and rebuilt.

Hubbard Glacier

Today we sailed into Disenchantment Bay and up to the Hubbard Glacier. We have been here five times before but the weather has never been this bad. It is an amazing sight as you get close and I managed to get a few pictures. You can see the full size images in the gallery.

Haines, Alaska

Today we are in Haines, Alaska. It’s my first time here and we will be visiting the Bald Eagle Sanctuary. Later today I have my second lecture, A journey to the Solar System.

Haines, Alaska


Bald Eagles

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